• Open two-phase competition for a new district for 4000 inhabitants
  • Leipzig, Germany
  • City of Leipzig
  • 63 ha
  • completed, 2024
  • 2414-HSL
  • urban and landscape design
  • Oliver Seidel, Tim Kohne
  • SPOT Architektur+Stadt, MESH landscape architects

  • Recognition

Neighbourhood Island Heiterblick, Leipzig

Large-scale networked, small-scale mixed and circularly organised - this is how we envisage the future urban expansion of the growing city of Leipzig. The landscape and urban space of Heiterblick-Süd is characterised by typologically very different settlement clusters within an open space shaped by woodland and agriculture. The design takes up this existing structure and supplements it with another compact and mixed neighbourhood embedded in a flowing and interconnected landscape - the neighbourhood island Heiterblick.

The landscape of the Paunsdorfer Bogen is continued both to the north and south and linked with the forest and field areas to the east of the motorway. The compact neighbourhood contour folds inwards and creates green fingers that act as climate corridors and ensure effective air exchange within the neighbourhood. This creates a total of five clusters that overlap in the centre and form a bundled, central district hub with a wide variety of uses. In addition to the common centre, five green squares will create a hub and meeting points for the various neighbourhoods. These will have clear addresses and different characters. The individual neighbourhoods each have their own mix of different residential building typologies, while the centre of the district is characterised by a vertical mix of uses and public ground floor zones. The focus here is on communal and sufficient forms of living.

  • Open two-phase competition for a new district for 4000 inhabitants
  • Leipzig, Germany
  • City of Leipzig
  • 63 ha
  • completed, 2024
  • 2414-HSL
  • urban and landscape design
  • Oliver Seidel, Tim Kohne
  • SPOT Architektur+Stadt, MESH landscape architects

  • Recognition
spatial vision