Have a look at our Conversion & Revitalization projects in more detail:

Conversion & Revitalization

Valuable areas are sealed every day by new settlements, city expansions or new infrastructure projects. The consequences for the environment and climate are enormous. There are large unused potential areas everywhere and therefore available for development. Our cities are constantly changing and their functions need to be renewed accordingly. Partial areas become obsolete and must be supplemented or replaced by new uses. Instead of designating new settlements on the outskirts, the municipalities must make existing areas usable again, strengthen their city and town centers and counteract further expansion into the outer regions. Land recycling upgrades plots within existing structures that are no longer used or used for a single purpose only. Typical examples are commercial areas, airports, and former military or industrial sites. The subsequent uses of these properties are associated with considerable development opportunities for the municipalities and their citizens but also challenges in equal measure. There is a wide range of possible strategies for the development of large, inner-city brownfields or conversion areas. We develop site-specific solutions, taking into account the respective local characteristics and conditions. In the complex planning of a successful conversion, our goal is always to develop mixed-use and thus independent quarters that are integrated into the city. Ideally, various functions such as housing, trade and commerce as well as culture, education and leisure are bundled here.