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  • Closed loop quarters. Between Frankfurt and Taunus

    CITYFÖRSTER has been unanimously selected for the design for the "Stadtteil der Quartiere" (district of the quarters)" in Frankfurt am Main, Germany with a concept that combines urban growth with circularity.

    The central challenge was how to create up to 10,000 apartments and 8,000 new jobs in an agricultural area on the northwest outskirts of Frankfurt, without losing the scenic qualities of this area. At the same time, the design also had to take into account various challenges; for example, like many peripheral metropolitan areas, the region is intersected by infrastructure - of which the six-lane Autobahn A5, which effectively divides the study area in two, has the greatest impact. A situation that is by no means exclusive to Frankfurt or even Germany, but can be found in most cities.

    One of the most remarkable choices was to keep 75 percent of the study area undeveloped, thus preserving the landscape and the connection to the Taunus. The design, which is based on the "Landschaf(f)tStadt" principle, consistently takes the possibilities offered by the landscape and the open space as a starting point.

    In order to protect as much of the landscape as possible, the development was kept in compact areas. This means, for example, the abandonment of single-family houses and the planning of mostly apartment complexes of five to six floors, occasionally even higher buildings. The underground and city railways form the backbone of the new districts; the expansion area "Steinbach-Ost" is directly connected to the existing S-Bahn line, and in the districts east of the Autobahn the metro network is being expanded. A number of the neighbourhoods will be car-free.

    The aim is to create circularly organized neighbourhoods - neighbourhoods as part of a cycle, in which they make an important contribution to water management, energy, and food supply, that promote environmentally friendly mobility, that regulate the climate and that enhance biodiversity - while naturally offering space for social exchange, providing a home to the community.

    All facts at a glance:

    4 new residential areas
    up to 10,000 apartments
    up to 8,000 new jobs
    5 schools
    20 nurseries
    47 hectares of public green within the neighbourhoods
    425 hectares of study area
    75% of the study area remains undeveloped

  • High Q

    Urban integration creates a neighborhood
    In its immediate surroundings, HIGH Q picks up on the typological and urban development characteristics of its neighborhood. The existing principles of block structures, incisions and polygonal high points are transferred to HIGH Q in order to create a harmonious overall urban image.
    On the west side of the construction site, a neighborhood square with outdoor gastronomy will be created at the interface between the office and the hotel, creating a lively meeting place for everyone. This square also serves as an entrance to the hotel lobby.

    Striking appearance creates identity
    Whether viewed from a passing train, as a pedestrian or from a bicycle, the HIGH Q always looks different and yet is unmistakable. The special façade design with 6 partial façades makes the high-rise appear slender and without a rear side, creating ever new impressions.

    Recognition value and an identity-creating design are an important requirement for this building in this exposed location. On the one hand, the façade and the striking shape create a variety of impressions depending on the viewing angle, while on the other hand the building also offers diverse and special situations in its immediate context. The undercut to Celler Strasse with its forecourt forms a clear address, the neighborhood square offers a common center for the neighborhood and the differently designed facades improve orientation and create different places.

  • Klima-Mosaik

    For the neighbourhood, a robust and at the same time adaptable concept is proposed, developed from the landscape and the context. Through a variety of qualified open spaces and a communal centre, neighbourhood, density and sufficiency can be thought differently.

    Approximately 250 residential units of varying design will be created in the neighbourhood. In order to create affordable housing, the focus is on multi-storey housing. With the building types row, point, angle and double, there are four variants of multi-storey housing in the neighbourhood. The diverse housing offer is complemented by 38 terraced houses. The neighbourhood cluster in the centre lends itself to cooperative development with complementary uses.

    The natural appearance of the neighbourhood is paramount. The use of sustainable materials offers ecological and technical advantages at the same time. Apart from the design specifications for typologies and spatial edges, the variance in facade and colour design, as well as in the open space elements of the individual neighbourhood clusters, ensures individuality and orientation. Design elements from the context create a sense of belonging to the surroundings, while communal spaces offer space for self-realisation.

    The "Klima-Mosaik" is characterised by strong open space references, diverse forms of housing and an active, communal neighbourhood centre (including a meeting place, co-working, special forms of housing). In addition, the neighbourhood hub bundles mobility services and other uses (e.g. workshop, parcel station, youth meeting place).

  • Karstadt Recycling

    How can we transform vacant department stores in Germany and bring them to a new stage of life with new uses?

    Hundreds of department stores stand empty in German city centers. At Hermannplatz in Berlin, an old Karstadt building could be redesigned. A new façade creates a strong face in the urban context and an invitation to a differentiated courtyard sequence, which was redesigned as a playful open space experience. Instead of shopping, living, working and community-oriented offerings now meet the needs of the growing urban society in the 21st century.

    The existing Karstadt building provides valuable building materials that are deconstructed, recycled and reused. According to the layer principle, load-bearing and non-load-bearing components are structurally independent of each other. Thus, they can be used independently in their various life cycles.
    A durable, urban façade forms the new face to the city and creates a gateway to the interior.

    A varied sequence of courtyards accompanies the crossing and becomes an urban experience: the Werkhof with its lively hustle and bustle, the Green Heart as a central interface and at the same time as a place of retreat, and the city playground, which promotes interaction and participation. Flora and fauna form the connecting element of the spatial sequence within the courtyard structure up to the roof terraces.

  • Wasserlagen Herne - Masterplan

    The projected population development up to 2035 also shows the trend towards a housing shortage in Herne. Despite this development, vacancies and underused space potential characterize the waterfront area. Due to the strong commercial and industrial character of the area and the dominance of large infrastructures, the existing residential areas are exposed to high levels of noise pollution. A lack of open spaces and cultural facilities, difficult permeability for pedestrians and cyclists, as well as major weaknesses in local mobility, which is too strongly oriented towards private motorized transport, exacerbate the problem of isolated residential areas and the associated social imbalance in the area. Underused areas, vacancies and wastelands lack a coherent development perspective. Added to this are the deficient conditions in the housing offer and the external influences of the climate, energy and health crises with their very own challenges. This downward spiral must be counteracted by integrated and future-oriented planning for the entire area of the water locations. The planning objectives therefore focus on a diversified range of housing with a high degree of social diversity and programmatic mix; on the integrated development of high-quality commercial areas and the harmonization of housing, work, industry, open space, leisure and transport. A multimodal, transport connection and the structural, open-space networking of the entire area are the key factors. The planning objectives therefore focus on a diversified range of housing with a high degree of social diversity and programmatic mix; on the integrated development of high-quality commercial areas and the harmonization of housing, work, industry, open space, leisure and transport. Multimodal transport connections and the structural, open space networking of the entire area play a key role. Overarching climate goals come into focus and are linked to ongoing processes such as the coal phase-out or flood and heat protection through the Emscher conversion and sponge city principles.

  • Exhibition: How to build 10.000 extra houses in Arnhem

    The Dutch government aims to address housing shortages by creating 1 million extra houses by 2030. Ministerie van Maak organized an exhibition during the International Architecture Biennale Rotterdam, showcasing solutions for housing construction, energy transition, and climate change adaptation. The exhibition featured a large Dutch model designed by 100 architects and urban planners. CITYFÖRSTER was one of the selected studios to conduct research into the development of 10,000 climate-proof homes within their 2 x 2 km area.

    Our site is located in Arnhem, close to the Central Station and including a portion of the Nederrijn. The site is characterized by a large industrial area, that is divided from a residential area by a railyard leading to Central Station. The river on the other side appears as an unused potential, as well as many undefined areas, that could use more clarity and densification.

    How to add 10.000 houses in this area? Our proposal is based on two main strategies:
    Former industrial areas are the favourite location for inner city developments. The new housing developments would be realized close to existing roads and transport and urban sprawl can be prevented. We suggest smaller scale infill into industrial areas at underused spaces such as parking areas and expansion areas and to make new connections to the river's floodplains.

    The other large potential to add quality by densification is in the low-rise neighbourhoods. Built in the 60's and 70's these areas are at the end of their first lifecycle, often inhabited by empty-nesters. We can add a couple of apartment blocks, diversifying the housing stock and the existing rowhouses could easily be topped-up with an extra layer. This creates both more housing opportunities and diverse neighbourhoods and is also an investment opportunity creating wealth on a small scale.

    Both of our strategies use the 10.000 houses not as a problem that needs to be solved, but as a great opportunity to improve our existing city.

  • Buchholzer Green

    The development of Buchholzer Grün creates a residential area in an attractive location. The five-storey and the four-storey apartment buildings in combination with ten three-storey townhouses form the northern opening of the new quatier. The three new buildings develop a powerful, own identity, which incorporate the urban connection to the surrounding city districts and the neighbouring Podbielskistraße. The rhythmization in the height development as well as the verticality through the overlapping windows and balconies in the clinker facade are central design principles. The change of material makes the entrance areas clearly recognizable and at the same time they fit into the overall structure of the facades. The result is a robust, unpretentious and solid figure. The multi-storey housing units impress with an exciting mix of tenements and condominiums in different sizes, while the townhouses offer a small type of building as well as a large one and enable parking inside the house.


  • Carbon-Based Design

    How can we ensure that the 1,000,000 new homes that are needed in the Netherlands before 2030 exert as little pressure as possible on the already difficult-to-achieve climate targets? Even if all future homes are built according to the current agreements (BENG [nearly energy-neutral building], and 4% emission reduction in the industry), the CO2 budget for construction (under a 1.5-degree warming scenario) will be used in 2026 already.

    As the construction sector, we are currently responsible for 38% of all greenhouse gas emissions. The problem is definitely gaining momentum in the debate; however, the focus within our professional community seems mainly to be on single methods or materials - whereas the solution lies in an integral approach.

    Carbon-Based Design is this approach. It provides insight into the CO2 cycle and what role the construction sector and the circular construction economy play in it. The focus is on embodied carbon (or material-related emissions during the production and construction process) in residential construction. By gaining insight into the construction process and which parts of it have the most impact on the total emissions, we can adjust our design and development strategy accordingly. The aim is clear: to design and realize buildings with the lowest possible CO2 emissions, or ideally even CO2 storage.

    With a focus on the emissions of production and construction and the ratio of operational and embedded energy, we found solutions for the way from carbon exploitation to carbon sequestration.

  • Masterplan Nové Dolíky, Slany

    How can we create a modern suburban environment suitable for pedestrians in a 15-minute neighborhood - a new district with its own urban character that can withstand the ever-increasing pace of changes in human society?

    This is achieved by creating a car-free district that emphasizes pedestrian and cycling transportation, designing compact development that forms both a clearly defined public space and an attractive living environment for future residents.
    The concept of approaching public spaces stems from the fundamental idea of relocating cars to the outer edges of the development. The majority of parking spaces are condensed into three mobility hubs on the corners of the site. The implementation of blue-green infrastructure and the provision of quality public space for the residents of Slaný form a better connection between an agricultural park in the west to the city center in the east. With all amenities within reach and accessible recreational areas, the neighborhood will ensure a healthy and sustainable living environment.

    Part of this design is the establishment of a central green axis, functioning as a retention valley and providing space for trees and biodiversity. It directs the outer landscape and waterflows into the new neighborhood and results in the
    creation of a vibrant blue and green boulevard featuring diverse private and public spaces.

    The urban structure that forms this proposal has been carefully crafted to create compact development with a diversity of typologies and financing models. It is also based on simplicity and elegance for sustainable and prospective construction methods, along with a reliable approach grounded in a connection to nature.

  • Munich North-East

    How can strong urban growth be reconciled with village structures? A question that is becoming more and more important nowadays.

    In Munich Northeast we orientated our plan to the existing villages, meaning that along the existing and future infrastructures (S-Bahn + U-Bahn) new dense, urban, and mixed-use quarters are growing, which structure the space. In this way, a district for 30,000 residents blends smoothly into its surroundings.

    A village and its church. Hybrid multi-story buildings in a mosaic of squares, gardens, and fields. A water landscape with an alpine view. Mutual references and soft transitions facilitate the emergence of diversity and a mixed city of diverse actors. A field of tension between anonymity and community, between central S-Bahn and historic village square, between the world of work and the field.

  • Buna Delta

    The Buna river delta, situated in the southeast of Shkodra, Albania, is intricately connected to Lake Shkodra via the Buna, Drin, and Kir rivers, forming a complex hydrological network. This region boasts diverse ecosystems, drawing migratory birds and nature enthusiasts. However, it faces periodic flooding, attributed to factors like heavy rainfall, snowmelt, imbalanced reservoir management, and the mountainous terrain constraining water flow.

    We propose a vision for the future of the Buna Delta, developed in close collaboration with the Municipality of Shkodra, government agencies, international donors and local experts. In this vision, flood protection infrastructure is harmoniously combined with the development of ecotourism and circular economy, as well as the improvement of sustainable mobility between the Adriatic Sea and Shkodra.

    To achieve flood resilience, a combination of natural and technical solutions is recommended. A combination of natural and technical solutions is recommended to strengthen resilience to flooding. Among these solutions is the organic development of a green river connecting the Buna and Drinasa rivers. This green river acts as a natural strip of land to divert flood water while promoting attractive vegetation. This improves water quality, creates habitats for wildlife and promotes tourism.

    To further protect against flooding, improve biodiversity, develop tourism and promote sustainable land management, measures such as the inclusion of storage areas and buffer zones along the waterfront and a resilient mixed form of agriculture are also proposed.
    By implementing these strategies, the Buna Delta can thrive as a resilient and vibrant ecosystem, providing both environmental and economic benefits for the region.

  • Biotech Archipelago Mainz

    The Bio-Tech Archipelago is a great opportunity for the city of Mainz to build on its global reputation in the biotechnology sector and at the same time develop a city for everybody. Here, optimal conditions for research and development are combined with housing, leisure facilities and a vibrant landscape for people and nature. The design focuses on favoring cooling wind currents, networking local biotopes and preserving the expansive landscape and thus fullfill the requirements of the sensitive urban location and the associated responsibility for our environment.

    Located as a gateway to the city on Saarstrasse, it communicates structurally, spatially and programmatically between the cultural landscapes of the outskirts of Mainz and the biotech axis. It is both the entrance and keystone of the westward expansion of the city and generates a variety of added urban ecological values and offers for the local environment and the city as a whole. The urban figure opens up to the open landscape in spacious corridors. The building mass is divided into four sub-areas that unite to form a flowing archipelago-like urban landscape around a common open space.

  • Bremen Könecke Areal

    Hemelingen on the move - A new urban neighborhood Könecke-Areal

    The revitalization and reintegration of inner-city industrial areas is one of the most important planning tasks of the day. These areas are usually excellently developed in terms of infrastructure, which supports sustainable development, and can save a lot of gray energy. Complex ownership, emission sources and soil contamination are challenges that require innovative, robust and flexible urban planning concepts. The design takes advantage of the unique opportunity to free the area from its infrastructural island location in order to reconnect the districts of Hastedt, Seebaldsbrück and Hemelingen by building an urban bridge. Together with the southern (former) Coca-Cola site, which was part of a former urban design process, it forms the new center of Hemelingen.
    The vacated areas will provide what the district needs now and, in the future, - that is an affordable and diverse housing mix, adaptable spaces for working, learning, leisure and culture, but above all it is urgently needed public green space. The new neighborhood park forms the green heart of the entire district and creates a strong address to the future premium bike route that will connect the neighborhood with the center of Bremen.

  • Köstra Reuse

    The proposal for the revitalization of Königstrasse 1ab is based on the following 5 guiding design themes:

    Development of a building structure that completes the ensemble of the hotel and Königsstraße 1c, which incorporates heights and gradations, creates addresses and forms the prelude to Königstraße through its orientation towards the train station.

    Creation of lively, green passages with small-scale retail, gastronomy and areas for culture and events in the interior of the ensemble and a generous setback on Königstraße to provide more space for planting and passers-by.

    Enabling maximum exchange between inside and outside through diverse and generous entrances and transparent façades.

    Creating modern retail, office and restaurant layouts that can react flexibly to changing future requirements.

    Reuse of the existing load-bearing structure and individual components to minimize energy consumption and thus reduce CO2 emissions.

  • The Rubber House

    The Rubber House as a price winning project in the Eenvoud/ Simplicity competition was selected to be built in Almere, Netherlands, as one of 12 experimental housing projects. In volume and style inspired by the simple and archetypal Dutch barn architecture the Rubberhouse forms a simple asymmetric double pitched roof inhabiting 2 storeys, in combination with a single pitch roof with one storey. The resource saving construction consists of massive wood panels from cross-laminated timber. The outer walls and the roof surface are clad with black EPDM foil. In contrast to that the atmosphere of the inside is characterized by the natural warm surface of the massive wooden walls. The utilization concept proposes small private rooms in favour of a generous open plan living area. Clear lines of sight through the entire building support the robust, open space sequence and allow visual connections into the adjacent forest. The living room can be expanded via the large sliding glass doors onto the terrace. The high degree of prefabrication allowed for a building period of only three months.
