• Nivica, Albania
  • National Coastline Agency, Albanien
  • 55 ha
  • Idea, 2017
  • 1748-NIV
  • Workshop, Analyse, Masterplan
  • Eni Ajdini, Henry Endemann
  • Municipality Amsterdam – Anouk de Wit, Alice Driessen
    Van Eesterenmuseum Amsterdam – Laurien de Gelder, Anouk de Wit
    Allard Pierson Museum – Laurien de Gelder
    European University of Tirana - Lida Miraj
    Hanze University of Groningen - Loes Oudenaarde, Martin van Dijken
    University of Amsterdam - Prof. Dr. Vladimir Stissi

Nivica - A model for rural development in southern Albania, , Nivica

In the beginning of May 2018 students and professionals from Albania and the Netherlands went on a trip to Nivica, exploring the village and the region, and drafting first ideas. The team included architects, urban planners, archaeologists, landscape architects and architectural historians. The workshop results built the foundation for the further development of a masterplan for Nivica.

The goal of this masterplan is to develop a model for a sustainable and prosperous rural economy, with touristic potential within Albania but also on an international scale. As a Living Lab, Nivica allows to experiment with alternative forms of (slow) tourism, small scale investment, renewable energy and local food and waste chains. The masterplan combines the preservation of buildings and structures related to the rich history of the region with a sustainable, diverse expansion of the touristic potential.
Nivica is meant to be the prototype for Albania's "100 villages" plan, which sets out to fundamentally rethink rural development in the country


  • Nivica, Albania
  • National Coastline Agency, Albanien
  • 55 ha
  • Idea, 2017
  • 1748-NIV
  • Workshop, Analyse, Masterplan
  • Eni Ajdini, Henry Endemann
  • Municipality Amsterdam – Anouk de Wit, Alice Driessen
    Van Eesterenmuseum Amsterdam – Laurien de Gelder, Anouk de Wit
    Allard Pierson Museum – Laurien de Gelder
    European University of Tirana - Lida Miraj
    Hanze University of Groningen - Loes Oudenaarde, Martin van Dijken
    University of Amsterdam - Prof. Dr. Vladimir Stissi

detail Masterplan