• Urban development and open space design
  • Duisburg, Germany
  • GEBAG Duisburger Baugesellschaft mbH
  • 30 ha
  • Idea, 2021
  • 2038-DAG
  • Concept, urban and open space design, specialization areas, mobility / urban climate / rainwater / noise protection concept
  • Lisa Iglseder, Jakob Bohlen, Emma Römer, Imke Hullmann
  • Felixx landscape
    Orange Edge

  • 3. prize

At the old freight yard

In cooperation with the Dutch landscape architects Felixx, we created a design for the site of the old freight yard in Duisburg.

The site is being freed from its island location and reclaimed as a piece of the city: The large Westpark acts as a magnet for all Duisburg residents and brings life to the quarter. An important component is the almost 14 hectares of open space that is used for a better climate, cleaner air, water management, biodiversity as well as sport, recreation, and community. In particular, local public transport and non-motorized traffic will be strengthened: five bridges (bike/foot) span the motorway and tracks and connect the largely car-free district with its neighborhoods.

open space
The Westpark is designed as a spacious landscape park and, with a size of almost 14 hectares, offers space for all Duisburgers. A 12m high wall with a tree filter shields the noise and pollutants from the motorway. Different habitats and areas of use are created from north to south: meadow park, cultural park, sports park, water park, forest park. A central axis - the mile - links the quarter with the city in the north and the park in the south. In addition, all east-west connections are linked to the mile.

The mixed-used quarter offers space for around 4,000 residents and 2,500 jobs thanks to various building types. The quiet residential areas each face the garden courtyard. In the north, there is the innovation quarter with offices, co-working, fab lab, start-up center, co-living, hotel, etc. Around the quarter square in the north, there are local suppliers, shops, cafes, market hall and market. An educational center is being built on Karl-Lehr-Straße with the "Karl 1", a house for movement + culture, as well as a library, VHS, music school, and elementary school with a daycare center at Westpark.

Water, climate, energy
The rainwater management works according to sponge city and cascade principles, in which rainwater is retained, temporarily stored, evaporated, and seeped away. The measures improve the microclimate (e.g. evaporative cooling, air purification), increase biodiversity, and the quality of urban space (recreational areas). Technical and near-natural measures of rainwater management are combined: These include blue-green roofs, infiltratable coverings, or various urban wetlands, i.e. retention and evaporation areas and plant-based cleaning systems. The energy system is organized on a decentralized basis and includes a heating, cooling, and electricity network, each of which is connected to the urban network. Roofs and facades are used to generate electricity and heat (photovoltaics).
The west park is used to air-condition the quarter: Warm winds from the southwest (main wind direction) are cooled and filtered in the west park and guided into the depths of the quarter via the open east-west paths.

Love Parade Memorial
The Love Parade memorial is to be integrated into the quarter. A place that has its place in people's everyday life. The memorial will be part of the planned park, a place of tranquility, and will also be located in the heart of the new quarter. There is also a memorial grove between the mile and the memorial.

We are very happy about the strong voting results of the public vote and the high level of support and acceptance from the people of Duisburg.

  • Urban development and open space design
  • Duisburg, Germany
  • GEBAG Duisburger Baugesellschaft mbH
  • 30 ha
  • Idea, 2021
  • 2038-DAG
  • Concept, urban and open space design, specialization areas, mobility / urban climate / rainwater / noise protection concept
  • Lisa Iglseder, Jakob Bohlen, Emma Römer, Imke Hullmann
  • Felixx landscape
    Orange Edge

  • 3. prize
location map