CITYFOERSTER | Brehm Hansen Niehüser Nolting Richter Seidel Sobota
Partnerschaft mbB Architects, Engineers + Urban Planners
Registered business address: Hanover, Germany
Hanover Local Court, PR 200411

Partner's Memberships

Chamber of Architects Lower Saxony
Bund Deutscher Architekten
Förderverein Baukultur
Stichting Bureau Architectenregister
Association for urban, regional and state planning SRL eV
Bond Nederlandse Architecten BNA
Vereniging Deltametropool
Dutch Green Building Council DGBC

This website publishes the projects of CITYFÖRSTER. For the respective content authors are responsible according to the press law. The contents of this website may be downloaded, printed or copied for personal use only. Any reproduction, distribution or publication requires prior written consent. All rights to the projects listed here belong to CITYFÖRSTER | Bartels Brehm Hansen Niehüser Nolting Seidel Sobota partnership mbB architects, engineers, urban planners. Despite content control we assume no liability for the content of external links. For the content of linked pages only their operators are solely responsible.

We would like to thank Panatom , Berlin, for the technical implementation of this website.