ul class="overview_list " id="projectList">
  • The multimodal City / Transformation Freeway B3, Hannover

    Alternating the inner-city freeway B3 offers chances of enormous quality. In place of a disruptive gap with high infrastructural means, a continuously livable city can emerge along the freeway. A city that is balanced multimodally with all its functions, spaces and atmospheres. The integration of transit spaces as well as thinking built environment and free space together enables a programmatic diversity and synergies which can react to change. Besides the task of keeping up the traffic flow, barriers, noise and emissions are being reduced and inner-city plots are being reclaimed for urban developments.

    The chosen street section in the "Leinemasch" minimizes the intervention in the landscape. The Willmerstrasse is being transformed into a lively city street with high living and sojourning qualities by implementing a tunnel for the freeway, starting from Schützenstraße. East of the Hildesheimer Straße a Tunnelpark emerges with high qualities of open space for the adjacent urban areas. In addition to optimizing the freeway itself, sustainable mobility and transport are being valorized massively: Ricklingen in the west and Döhren in the east are connected with a bicycle highway and a tangential busline.

  • Grand Standing. Urban Centre Berlin, Berlin

    The building's structure is based on the static elements pillar, plate and gate as well as the every few minutes incoming trains. A natural passage from Luckernwalder street to the signal box and the park connection south is build up by the viaduct facades of lines U2 and S21. They could easily be activated by contemporary commercial usage for the traffic centre "Heart of Stations".

    In sum, a unique specimen is generated, creating a special atmosphere and spatial quality between the tracks and towards the park. In the north-south direction, the slender, 17-storey superstructure is extended over the property. It is adapted as a rostrum and stage to the park and fits into the heterogeneous property structure between ICE lines and stations. In the base area, four gates allow the train transits and significant visual references in north-south as well as in east-west direction. On the various levels, " heavenly" spaces for non-commercial transit and temporary users are integrated into the structure of established users and anchor tenants.

  • Open Neighbourhoods, Monheim am Rhein

    This urban design aims to create an attractive living environment for young families and couples and to give a new impulse to a large social housing estate from the 1960s. The existing open block structure will be maintained but is transformed into a structure with semi-private courtyards.

    Different typologies - i.e. houses with ground-level access, apartments with open floor plans - add variation to the housing supply. Within the building blocks, elevated courtyards create a safe environment for social interaction between inhabitants, especially young families. Notwithstanding their open character, these courtyards offer a clear visual and functional border between public and private spaces.

    Between the blocks, a sequence of car-free squares that draw on the surrounding structure contributes to a lively public space. To keep spaces as car-free as possible, most of the parking is organized in underground garages which are accessible from the edges of the block. By drawing on the existing structure, and by continuing the green belts and the existing rows of trees, the design creates a strong link with its surroundings.

  • New Neighbourhood Hilligenwöhren, Hannover

    The new residential neighbourhood Hilligenwöhren is located on the threshold of a compact city to open landscape in Bothfeld. A composition of three- to four-storey buildings generates two courtyards with different spatial qualities. The norther green courtyards are the new neighbourhood's intimate centre, whereas the southern courtyard opens up to the street and hence to the neighbourhood.

    The buildings are connected via access balconies which activate the courtyards and are the basis for a vivid community. The central community room for all residents connects the two green spaces. It is the neighbourhood's living room. By opening and widening spaces, informal meeting points and social contact surfaces are offered. The building structure enables a flexible arrangement of various residential typologies und therefore a social mixture.

    A solid structure for the development of a long-lasting neighbourhood is offered. Furthermore, natural building materials ensure comfortable and healthy living environments.

  • District Landscape Dietenbach, Freiburg im Breisgau

    How does a newly developed city district become a vibrant place to live?

    The characterful landscape of Freiburg with the surrounding Schwarzwald serves as the decisive basis for the newly designed district Dietenbach. The four emerging quarters will be connected by a ring boulevard. In contrast to the generous open spaces, which serve as decelerated exercise and relaxation areas and make a significant contribution to nature and species protection, pulsating life takes place here. The new city centre serves as a bracing supply center and community reference point with symbolic centrality. In addition to the 5,500 residential units, new jobs and schools will be created in the 108-hectare area, which will complete the new living environment.

    Integration into the urban, functional, and landscape context
    The new district Dietenbach is structured by the iconic landscape, especially the eponymous Dietenbach.

    The resulting open spaces ensure the supply of fresh air and a stable microclimate. The former course of the Käserbach river has been reactivated and serves as partially communal garden land. In the region of ​​the school and sports campus, this zone also includes play, sports, and recreation areas that can be used by the public.

    In contrast to this, the new centre of the district as a communal supply center offers space for weekly markets, city festivals, outdoor areas for restaurants, and water features. There are also retail stores, gastronomic offers, and services. The building plots of the compact quarters address different market segments. A large number of construction site sizes, building heights, building types, and locations provides a large typology mix and thus offers a lot for different target groups.

    Mobility concept
    The mobility concept pursues the goal of reducing motor vehicle traffic, car ownership, and the number of parking spaces. This makes an important contribution to an attractive living environment, affordable living space, and environmentally friendly transport. It is achieved by creating attractive offers for pedestrian and bicycle traffic, public transport with light rail, as well as offers for car sharing and e-mobility, and also by parking in district garages in less sensitive locations that are up to 200m away from the apartments.


  • Recyclinghaus, Hanover

    The recyclinghouse is an experimental residential building in the Hanover district of Kronsberg. It is a prototype that tests the possibilities and potentials of various types of recycling in the real laboratory and shows a cycle-oriented and resource-saving planning approach.

    On the one hand, the recycling center relies on recyclable building products, such as the raw construction made of glue-free solid wood elements. On the other hand, recycled materials such as the foundation made of recycled concrete or wall insulations made from old jute bags are used. There are also large quantities of used components being used which, if possible, originate from the building stock of the client GUNDLACH or have been obtained locally. Particularly important is a recycling-fair design that allows the use and disassembly of the components without loss of quality or a sorted separation of the materials after the end of life.

    The construction industry is one of the largest waste producers and consumers of resources and a significant contributor to global CO2 emissions. When planning buildings, today it is mainly the energy consumption in the operation of a building that is considered. The considerable amounts of "gray energy" involved in the production of buildings remain largely unconsidered. Here, the existing building stock can also be understood as huge raw material storage. The recycling of building materials and materials as well as recycling-friendly construction methods will play an increasingly important role in the future.

  • Buchholzer Green, Hanover

    The development of Buchholzer Grün creates a residential area in an attractive location. The five-storey and the four-storey apartment buildings in combination with ten three-storey townhouses form the northern opening of the new quatier. The three new buildings develop a powerful, own identity, which incorporate the urban connection to the surrounding city districts and the neighbouring Podbielskistraße. The rhythmization in the height development as well as the verticality through the overlapping windows and balconies in the clinker facade are central design principles. The change of material makes the entrance areas clearly recognizable and at the same time they fit into the overall structure of the facades. The result is a robust, unpretentious and solid figure. The multi-storey housing units impress with an exciting mix of tenements and condominiums in different sizes, while the townhouses offer a small type of building as well as a large one and enable parking inside the house.


  • Green, greener, Pelikan, Hannover

    The design sets the urban development capstone for the Pelikanviertel. The original factory premises, the Neikes buildings, the FOUR and the "green, greener PELIKAN" - each stand alone and at the same time relate to each other. The self-similarity of the five buildings creates a strong, characterful unit that responds individually to its neighbourhood.

    Each of the five L-shaped buildings consists of a two-piece "bar" and a "head", which is formed by the accentuation of the high points by means of pyramid-like roofs and represents the prelude to the quarter. The roofs allow the maximum utilization of the plots and increase the recognition value. The range of uses offers variety - from green living, or mansard apartments with roof gardens, to hybrid studio apartments, to a variety of forms of use on the ground floor, which gives the street a unique character. The green oases in the courtyards provide a retreat and are the centrepiece of the design. Intensive greening of the balconies and facades form vertical gardens and, in addition to privacy, sun and noise protection, provide high-quality open space with privacy despite relatively dense development.

  • Revitalizing Guitanghe, Changsha

    In its current state, the Guitanghe River harbours complex problems for the urban development of Changsha. In addition to frequent flooding events, there is a lack of integration into the city. The river forms the backside of the city, which is reflected in a lack of accessibility and unsafe, littered riverbank zones. In the rapidly growing metropolis, there is also a lack of green meeting spaces that regulate the urban climate.

    The aim of the integrated masterplan is to emphasise the river as a central and lively lifeline in the city and to significantly increase its ecological, urban, social and cultural significance. Based on the flooding problem and different water levels of the Guitanghe, the result is a dynamically reacting urban design that considers water as a variable in the dimensioning and programming of spaces. A field of urban experimentation is being created where innovative water management and urban planning concepts intertwine and give the growing city an ambitious, positive and future-oriented perspective.

    The river is therefore of great importance as the central and linear centre of the city, which offers opportunities for urban development improvements in addition to water management measures. As a green lung, the Guitanghe strengthens the urban ecosystem and creates new identity-forming spaces for local recreation as well as social and cultural infrastructure on its banks.

    In the long term, the river and the green-blue corridors emanating from it can connect the city of Changsha both within the city centre and to the outlying areas and neighbouring recreational and nature conservation areas.

  • Framework plan federal district of Bonn, Bonn

    In recent years, the Bundesviertel in Bonn has transformed into a successful business location and headquarters of the United Nations. Today, the district in the former federal capital faces new challenges to remain and become attractive as a location for companies, politics, international institutions and congresses and at the same time as a 'piece of the city'. The aim of the framework plan is therefore to show an integrated approach for future development.

    One of the main goals of the structural concept is to preserve and strengthen the identity-creating areas and to develop the inner potential areas structurally and openly in a sustainable manner. With the increase from currently around 4,000 to around 15,957 inhabitants, new needs arise in terms of supply and socio-cultural infrastructure.

    The Bundesviertel of the future is urban mixed, offers affordable and attractive living and working space, is characterized by social and cultural, sports, leisure and supply offers as well as high-quality open spaces. Through more and a variety of living spaces, commuters become residents. As a sustainable location, the Bundesviertel is changing from a simple office location to a work landscape ('work-life blending'). A crisis-proof and innovation-promoting mix of industries offer employees an attractive working environment.

    The concept is rounded off by a high-performance transport infrastructure that guarantees quick accessibility and good internal networking: An important role model for the traffic turnaround: cycle paths and footpaths are being greatly expanded and public transport is being strengthened.

  • Cross-over, Düsseldorf

    At the junction between the media harbour area and the economical harbour area, a vibrant district is created, which has the interlacement of space, atmosphere and program as its principle. An encounter place for working, researching, inventing and recovering with a strong connection to the water arises. Two differentiated loops form the basic open-space framework. Central is the entirely experienceable loop of the leisure harbour with the urban city beach, green terraces, rowing club, marina and the "Kesselplatz" - square at the top of the peninsula.

    Future-oriented is also the industrial harbour, which fits like a second cycle in the system, as the industrial world 4.0 changes. Both "ports" get their new head-end structure through the Pier-One. The loops are connected via 6 public spaces, so-called braces, which pave the way for three squares - Kesselplatz, Hafenplatz and city beach - creating customized meeting places for visitors and residents equally. The urban structure is also characterised by the intermeshing of typologies and promotes innovation, creative work and vibrancy. This "striking harbour mixture" with towers, halls and bars forms the identity-creating and highly flexible structure for a vivid and multifunctional quarter.

  • Space.Perspective.Würzburg., Würzburg

    The „Space.Perspective.Würzburg." forms the basis for the redesign of the land use plan. The focus is on the concrete space, because only here can competing spatial demands be examined, weighed up and prioritised. Based on a variety of specialist analyses, site explorations and multi-faceted participation formats, a planning instrument case is created from the spatial image, area typology, spatial references, development focuses and synthetic future perspectives. All in all, this results in a strategic spatial image for the entire city, which on the one hand forms a strong framework and on the other hand can react flexibly to changing framework conditions. From this spatial information, very concrete strategic development goals can be derived for the land-use plan, which have already reconciled competition for space and contradictory requirements.

  • Bergviertel Krampnitz, green I enlived I in motion, Potsdam

    Based on a strong landscape and valuable historical structures, Bergviertel Krampnitz is a forward-looking quarter, creating its own identity as a place to live and work in harmony with the environment. Against the background of a climate crisis and scarcity of resources, it will be sustainably developed and will serve as a centre of life for a broad cross-section of the population. A small-scale and diverse density creates a lively place, is gentle on resources, uses infrastructures efficiently and relies entirely on the mobility of the future - the environmental network.

    Small and large apartments in the same building ensure social diversity, intergenerational living connects young and old and assemblies along with community-oriented housing projects enable self-determined living. The combination of living and working responds to the trend to more strongly combine leisure and work as well as career and family. Strong and diverse open spaces, differently addressing the building plots, bind everything together and enable uses from communal gardening to sports and leisure activities up to generous landscape experiences.

  • Blankenburger Süden - Circular City, Berlin

    The design is based on the concept of a "Circular City", a circular organised neighbourhood, and is guided by the spatial principle "Landschaf(f)tStadt": The landscape creates the city.

    A structural and design focus is on the blue-green infrastructure: a 60-hectare landscape park with garden, forest and water land not only offers various places for leisure, sport and recreation but also provides numerous ecosystem services such as climatisation in urban areas, rainwater management, food production and the strengthening of biodiversity.

    The neighbourhood is divided into four sub-sections, each with its own specific building and open space structure. All buildings open up to green space and offer a variety of affordable housing options. Construction with wood and recycled materials and the creation of blue-green roofs contribute to the neighbourhood's good climate balance. A new type of building, the so-called CYC Hub, acts as a circulation interface. It houses the technical infrastructure of the circular organised neighbourhoods - such as the energy station and the neighbourhood garage with a mobile station as well as socio-cultural and educational facilities such as a kindergarten, youth club, neighbourhood meeting place and neighbourhood management.

  • Circular quarters, Frankfurt

    CITYFÖRSTER has been unanimously selected for the design for the "Stadtteil der Quartiere" (district of the quarters)" in Frankfurt am Main, Germany with a concept that combines urban growth with circularity.

    The central challenge was how to create up to 10,000 apartments and 8,000 new jobs in an agricultural area on the northwest outskirts of Frankfurt, without losing the scenic qualities of this area. At the same time, the design also had to take into account various challenges; for example, like many peripheral metropolitan areas, the region is intersected by infrastructure - of which the six-lane Autobahn A5, which effectively divides the study area in two, has the greatest impact. A situation that is by no means exclusive to Frankfurt or even Germany, but can be found in most cities.

    One of the most remarkable choices was to keep 75 percent of the study area undeveloped, thus preserving the landscape and the connection to the Taunus. The design, which is based on the "Landschaf(f)tStadt" principle, consistently takes the possibilities offered by the landscape and the open space as a starting point.

    In order to protect as much of the landscape as possible, the development was kept in compact areas. This means, for example, the abandonment of single-family houses and the planning of mostly apartment complexes of five to six floors, occasionally even higher buildings. The underground and city railways form the backbone of the new districts; the expansion area "Steinbach-Ost" is directly connected to the existing S-Bahn line, and in the districts east of the Autobahn the metro network is being expanded. A number of the neighbourhoods will be car-free.

    The aim is to create circularly organized neighbourhoods - neighbourhoods as part of a cycle, in which they make an important contribution to water management, energy, and food supply, that promote environmentally friendly mobility, that regulate the climate and that enhance biodiversity - while naturally offering space for social exchange, providing a home to the community.

    All facts at a glance:

    4 new residential areas
    up to 10,000 apartments
    up to 8,000 new jobs
    5 schools
    20 nurseries
    47 hectares of public green within the neighbourhoods
    425 hectares of study area
    75% of the study area remains undeveloped
