ul class="overview_list " id="projectList">
  • Vocational College of Machinery and Irrigation - VCMI (Vietnam), Dong Nai

    The design of the VCMI campus is based on sustainable principles in order to handle climate and urban challenges the area is exposed to. The masterplan aims for a clear functional zoning which allows future growth. The area reserved for sports can provide a diverse offer, as an educational complement for the students, but also space, passive to be rented, so the school can reinforce economical sustainability. The proposed area dedicated to teaching and training will allow VCMI to multiply its current offer. The Campus is organized around a cooling pond which is the centre of the water treatment concept: Collected rain water can be extracted for the use of grey water in the buildings. Complementing the new expansion is also forecast a Centre of Excellence for Green TVET, an institution that is inscribed in the scope of the Vietnamese-German Financial Cooperation. The junction of these two institutions will trigger synergy effects, unlocking the campus true potential, towards the aim of establishing themselves as one of the forefront regional institutions, but also contribute needed tools, to a resilient climate change in Vietnam.

    in progress
  • TreeTop Trail Lagodekhi, Lagodechi

    Lagodekhi Protected Areas (LPA) in the extreme north-eastern part of Georgia at the southern slopes of the Caucasus and with altitudes from 590 to 3500 m, is one of the world's best-preserved areas with diversity of natural landscapes. The project of developing a TreeTop Trail as a new touristic product is to attract more visitors and, considering the transboundary potential of the LPA, make it one of the most attractive destinations, to be included in future transboundary ecotourism products.

    The concept emphasizes the forest as the protagonist and proposes a minimalistic design, a circular shaped trail that gradually ascends towads the tree canopies. Additional program is added in order to enhance the experience of forest. This includes a watch tower, a dome, a large net, a cave, and multiple platforms.

    in progress
    building permission 2019
  • Orange Headquarters Mali, Bamako

    Bamako is in a phase of rapid urban development, with the population growing expansively; telecommunications are an integral part of this growth and are a marker for upward social mobility. The height, visibility, and clean volume of the new Orange Mali Headquarters express this situation, thus creating a landmark for the new, mobile urban class.

    At the same time, the building sets the bar for offices and urban planning in Bamako, by creating a zero-energy building that incorporates greenery and improves the working environment of the Orange employees. The new Orange HQ is surrounded by a public garden, a layout that makes the office building more accessible and simultaneously creates a social space for gatherings and events. The green spaces continue into the interior of the new office building as a sequence of open terraces. By using 'stacked' office floors, and by interspacing these with high-quality open spaces, employees feel more connected and floorplans can be optimized.

    The iconic, geometrical 'zig-zag' exterior is the result of a smart and site-specific design, avoiding direct sunlight on the facade.

    in progress
  • Dhermi Plaza Hotel

    The Dhermi Plaza Hotel has been designed as a 5-star hotel along Dhermi's promenade. The project optimizes the square meters available within the plot whilst merging with the context, and offers publically accessible facilities.

    Its elongated volume is situated ideally between the beach to the south and the mountains to the north and is characterized by a dynamic facade. The shading system, composed of double-facing sliding shutters, plays with the shadows created by the thin walls. This creates a sense of movement, and reveals the life inside the building, making the hotel guests the 'accomplices' of the architecture.

    The hotel hosts different functions which can be separated if necessary, such as the restaurant, spa, and beauty salon on the -1 floor level;5 shops, a pool bar, a swimming pool, a bar, and the hotel lobby on the ground floor level; and an array of variously sized rooms on the first, second and third floor. The top floor has been designed as an active neighborhood/village, with various leisure facilities for both adults and children. It stands out from the rhythm of the facade and offers the guests panoramic views The hotel grounds have been designed so as to offer a range of different sports activities, from swimming in the 25 m pool to playing basketball on the shaded field.

    in progress
  • New Istropolis, Bratislava

    CITYFÖRSTER and KCAP design a new cultural district for Bratislava, Slovakia. Trnavské mýto will house a state-of-the-art concert and congress venue and the area will be transformed into a modern open neighbourhood including a series of green and public areas.

    Immocap, the owner of Istropolis, has presented its vision of New Istropolis, developed in cooperation with the international architectural studios KCAP and CITYFÖRSTER. The project aims to bring Bratislava a world-class multifunctional cultural and social centre with top-level architecture, creating a long deserved cultural landmark for the Slovakian capital.

    The new multifunctional hall enables Istropolis to meet Bratislava's real needs and leverage the potential of Trnavské mýto, and will foster cultural and congress tourism. New Istropolis offers the capacity to host various events simultaneously, such as acoustic, rock, jazz, pop concerts, numerous events and cultural events, and conferences and congresses of all sizes. The hall will be able to hold three different events simultaneously and have a maximum capacity of 3000 seats and 5000 combined seats for sitting and standing. The unique in-the-round seating configuration brings the audience close to the stage, creating a sense of intimacy and connection with the performers.

    Trnavské mýto is a key location in Bratislava in terms of pedestrian movement, traffic, and potential contribution to urban development. The project aims to bring new life to this important part of the city that has been neglected too long. Besides the world-class cultural venue, there will be a park with promenade, fountains, and cycle paths. Public areas will be accessible to visitors throughout the day, while the square will support and develop community activities such as seasonal markets.

    in progress
  • Drymades Village, Drymades

    Located in Drymades beach, the holiday resort Drymades Village is composed of a series of stepped courtyards framed by architecture blending the project into a cohesive village feeling. Following the topography with a 15-meter height difference, the architecture articulates the ground levels to the stepped courtyards bringing an introverted feeling, while on the three upper floors, the units incorporate extended terraces and balconies, expanding the public life to all the levels.

    Typologically the villas are approached by the study of the predominant architecture of the location and the aim to find a different output to a resort project where individualization breaks a monotonous design. The iconic image of the Mediterranean villages will be communicated in the architecture with pre-determined elements, such as roofs and facades that compose a catalogue to personalize the villas. Mainly three differently sized units form the masterplan varying from studio units to large family units. They can also be joined horizontally and vertically, widening the possibilities for future owners.

    In total, six plazas are interlaced to each other, forming a large interior courtyard that articulates the private with the public space through openings in the architecture. Located at different heights and alternating one to the other, they open up the views of the seafront and offer a range of activities to the visitors. The main approach for the landscape is to keep as much as possible existing vegetation. The landscape changes its composition from a dense forest in the lowest part of the plot to an urban plaza in the highest part. Native species (cypress and olive trees), and plants with low maintenance (Bougainvillea, Cacti), constitute the selected vegetation.

    in progress
  • ecovillage - Tiny Living, Hanover

    Sufficiency means shared luxury.

    The "Tiny Living" building is part of our project ecovillage in Hanover. It is located at the transition between the centre and the Green Ring and forms the interface between the intimate neighbourhood and communal space with a high degree of publicity.

    The L-shaped building consists of two stepped structures, which are accessed and connected via a generously usable arcade. On the one hand, the arcade enables a diverse exchange between the residents and, on the other hand, a very high degree of flexibility in the use of the building. Based on a grid, a wide variety of apartment sizes and forms of living can be offered and the living space can be adapted to future changing needs.

    The main focus in the development of "Tiny Living" is residential use. This is supplemented by a shared bicycle and storage room, two laundry rooms, a common room and an experiment room for water use and food cultivation operated by the entire ecovillage with access to the adjacent aquaponics greenhouse.

    Responsible use of building materials makes a significant contribution to the sustainability of the property. As early as the construction of the building, the conservation of natural resources is included through a design that is suitable for recycling. Through the targeted choice of materials and the possibility of a clean separation of the elements used, the amount of waste is reduced and the rate of reuse and recyclability increases. The greatest possible use of the renewable building material wood not only minimizes the CO2 emissions during the construction of the building but also serves as important CO2 storage.

    With the development of our ecovillage project in Hanover, there is a great opportunity to make an important contribution to future-oriented urban development with a balanced triad of social, ecological and economic sustainability. Find out more here.

    in progress
  • Düsseldorf VIERZIG549, Düsseldorf

    The colourful life!

    In the middle of the Vierzig549 quarter, the "heart" of the entire area is being created, a lively meeting place with a high quality of stay and programmatic diversity; the pacesetter for "The colourful life". The different building types „high-rise" (wooden hybrid), „courtyard house", and point house are designed as a coherent ensemble. The mix of commercial and residential uses promotes the urban character of the area. In particular, the programming of the ground floors, which ranges from commercial to Live+Work to mezzanine living, contributes to this. However, with the exception of the ground floors, the buildings are used for either residential or commercial purposes to allow clear and easy circulation.

    The green "urban grove" with park character and the multifunctional "square" complete the building structure. With their different atmospheres, they create a spatial and qualitative diversity in the quarter. Rainwater management is based on natural circulatory systems. Intensive green roofs (and extensive under the PV systems) delay runoff and encourage evaporation. An improvement in the local microclimate is expected through the systematic use and infiltration of rainwater in the open space. The inner area is car-free.

    The design of the building is guided by the image of urban architecture with echoes of the history of the area. The façade grid is robust and reminiscent of industrial building types. It is used as a base layer for all buildings and thus combines the different types of high-rise building, courtyard building, and point building as an ensemble. At the same time, the grid allows flexible filling depending on use and orientation as well as individualization for recognition value. The structural concept consistently relies on recyclable building materials and sustainable construction with wood.

    in progress
  • Wolkenbügel Europacity Berlin, Berlin

    "... In the front the Baltic Sea, in the back the Friedrichstraße ..." In the EuroCity Berlin one can come close to this ideal. The design combines an urban block typology with a distinctively shaped bar - " the Wolkenbügel". Its shape is characterized by a large void. This wide passage connects the block via the neighbourhood square with the waterfront and at the same time the waterfront with the city.

    The void forms a partially covered urban stage for public uses such as weekly market, game or sport and thus a lively place along the promenade. The block is orientated to a central courtyard, which is connected to the neighbourhood square. The block is divided into ten different houses whose building height of seven floors decreases stepwise to five. All roofs are used as terraces. According to the different housing typologies and sizes, the widths of the houses vary as well. The houses are also distinguished in terms of facade rhythm and materiality.

  • Urban Living. Vacant sites over the rooftops of the city, Berlin

    In accordance with building regulations, one could build at least three more full floors on top of the existing multi-storey car park Briesestraße: There is a vacant lot on top of the car park. In static terms one or two additional stories are feasible. By converting the existing floors and adding floors on top a unique building is created with a special atmosphere and spatial quality for different user groups (live and work).

    The concrete areas between the ramps are removed, which allows daylight to reach below street level. The additional units of the 2 ½ storeys are built as a light wooden panel construction. The visibility of the past leads to special appreciation. Thus, the acceptance for a good remix in the neighbourhood is far higher than for demolition and a new beginning.

  • Green Wave. Glitnir Bank Hq, Reykjavik

    The design concept 'Green Wave' generates a holistic image and a characteristic coastal skyline for the site of Kirkjusandur in Reykjavik, Iceland. Two design principles characterize the appearance of all buildings: The dynamic shape of the wave as an aesthetic concept and the integration of green spaces as vital elements of functional and atmospheric quality. The new headquarters of Glitnir Bank, a nine-storey building addressing the prominent highway Sæbraut, will be the key figure for the future development.

    The elevated entrance plaza is secluded from the public flow on ground level and sheltered from heavy winds coming from the shore. Open working spaces can be organised and subdivided flexibly. Winter gardens on each floor increase internal lighting, provide space for informal communication and create a comfortable atmosphere and climate. A decentralized ventilation system and a heating system based on geothermal energy are implemented, which are economical in maintenance, space-saving and highly energy efficient. The façade consists of tilted glass elements creating a "deep skin" that reflects natural and artificial light in different angles.

  • Martin-Luther-Schule, Rimbach im Odenwald

    The Martin Luther School is an upper secondary school with a special focus on musical education. It houses about 1600 pupils. The extension of the existing building became necessary to adapt to contemporary didactic concepts and to allow for all-day care. It contains classrooms, a natural science block, music rooms, a canteen and a gymnasium.

    The design translates the demands concerning resource efficiency and preservation in a sensual and sensible manner. The main climatic feature of the building is the shape of the building itself: So-called solar chimneys foster natural ventilation by stack effect and become a significant formal element. The expressive roofscape also em­phasizes places inside the building – large roof lights extend the space upwards and provide particular light. During school hours these areas are open spaces to be appropriated by different age groups for independent learning. The building is conceived as a timber frame structure with a larch-wood cladding.

  • King-Bansah-School, Hohoe

    Cityförster designed a school for the charity project of the King Bansah Ghana development association. Below an approx. 75m long roof several volumes will be constructed in a simple way representing a unique identity. The roof itself is split in two vertical shifted parts to provide natural ventilation for the air and light-permeable volumes. The air cools down beneath the canopies and circulates through the pattern openings of the concrete building blocks into the workshops. Once heated up the hot air exhaust through the rooftop vents.

    The roof is also used to mount numerous photovoltaic modules that provide the necessary self-sufficient power supply. The construction process will be split into three stages. After each stage, the completed buildings can be used immediately. In the first stage, the artisan workshops will be built. As a second stage, the workshops for wood and metalworking and the staff room will be constructed. Finally, the car repair shop and the covered forecourt will be added to the entire construction. The illumination and air ventilation are provided through customized brickwork. The openings in the concrete moulded bricks refer to patterns of traditional fabrics in Ghana. The lower wall segments are closed for dirt protection and they offer the opportunity for the sign paint shop to use their skills and write all donators names on the facade of the building.

  • District Centre Mastbrook, Rendsburg

    The urban concept is based on a compact building envelope positioned on the plot, creating multifarious open public spaces for various outdoor use. The compact volume is achieved by stacking the program: The space-centred gym is located on the first floor, the community centre with its open, active and animating facades is based on ground level. Emerging from its program, the building volume is shaped with several recesses and kerfs.

    The entrances to the different functions are visualized by cut-outs of the volume. The building attains efficiency by layering functions and multiple-shift usage. The structure consists of a mix of reinforced concrete on the base and prefabricated cross-laminated timber on the upper storey. On the ground level, the facades are designed with large glazing elements and fibre-cement coated with colourful patterns. The facades of the gym are clad with black, large scale trapezoidal sheetings. Translucent façade areas from polycarbonate panels stretch around the upper corners, in order to give further differentiation to the building volume and embed it in the surrounding scale.

  • Primary and Comprehensive School Helios, Köln

    A new primary and comprehensive school (IUS) is planned for the former site of the Helios AG in Cologne Ehrenfeld. The school concept is based on the idea of a "university school", which spatially implements the educational objectives of inclusiveness: The school comprises the grades 1 to 13 and operates closely with the teacher training of the University of Cologne. This is architecturally reflected in an open learning environment for all grades. As part of a new high-quality and dense city block, the school should be an integral part and actor of the district: The school premises may be used publicly and the school offers a range of activities to the neighborhood.
    The school is designed as a compact structure, which is confidently positioned due to its clear-cut cubic form and at the same time contextualized by its orientation to axes and edges of the surroundings. It creates a clear address to the Vogelsanger Straße by a glass-enclosed foyer and a funnel-shaped, covered entrance situation. The inviting foyer and the localization of semi-public functions on the ground floor – such as the auditorium and educational center, the canteen, workshop and studio spaces – creates the desired integration of the school into the district and allows for important synergies of different usages.
    The common center - "the heart of the school" - spans over two floors and offers spacious stairs for meeting and seating: A great place for communication and leisure for all functional areas of the whole school.

    Excerpt from the jury report: "The jury praised in particular the optimal implementation of the educational objectives, which corresponds in a particular way to the intentions of the users. The learning environments are well designed and can be effectively used. Primary education is accessible as a separate unit on the first floor over short distances. The secondary education units I and II are localized on one level and are equipped with a spacious central communication zone, which provides space for a diverse range of activities. ..."
