ul class="overview_list " id="projectList">
  • West African Science Center - WASCAL

    The guiding principles in the design for the landmark building accommodating the West African Science Center, are developed from the site and its conditions as well as from vernacular forms of spatial organization and construction of Burkina Faso. The building itself is reflecting the idea of scientific research as it serves as a hub, connecting the centre and its partners with each other, with visitors as well as with the city of Ouaga¬dougu.

    The heart of the building is the three-storey science area, containing all offices and their serving spaces. The ground floor connects all functions both spatially as well as programmatically through long visual axes. Inspired by traditional houses and settlements, the round shape of the building is effectively avoiding the low-standing sun as it slowly travels around the building. The climate concept focuses on natural ventilation in combination with night cooling and air movement by ceiling fans and solar chimneys and is in this way a best practice example for climate-adapted construction and sustainability.

  • Urban Living. Vacant sites over the rooftops of the city

    In accordance with building regulations, one could build at least three more full floors on top of the existing multi-storey car park Briesestraße: There is a vacant lot on top of the car park. In static terms one or two additional stories are feasible. By converting the existing floors and adding floors on top a unique building is created with a special atmosphere and spatial quality for different user groups (live and work).

    The concrete areas between the ramps are removed, which allows daylight to reach below street level. The additional units of the 2 ½ storeys are built as a light wooden panel construction. The visibility of the past leads to special appreciation. Thus, the acceptance for a good remix in the neighbourhood is far higher than for demolition and a new beginning.

  • Vocational College of Machinery and Irrigation - VCMI (Vietnam)

    The design of the VCMI campus is based on sustainable principles in order to handle climate and urban challenges the area is exposed to. The masterplan aims for a clear functional zoning which allows future growth. The area reserved for sports can provide a diverse offer, as an educational complement for the students, but also space, passive to be rented, so the school can reinforce economical sustainability. The proposed area dedicated to teaching and training will allow VCMI to multiply its current offer. The Campus is organized around a cooling pond which is the centre of the water treatment concept: Collected rain water can be extracted for the use of grey water in the buildings. Complementing the new expansion is also forecast a Centre of Excellence for Green TVET, an institution that is inscribed in the scope of the Vietnamese-German Financial Cooperation. The junction of these two institutions will trigger synergy effects, unlocking the campus true potential, towards the aim of establishing themselves as one of the forefront regional institutions, but also contribute needed tools, to a resilient climate change in Vietnam.

    in progress
  • Rinia Complex

    The Rinia Complex is located in a former youth park in the center of Fier, on a plot that is open to 3 sides, facing different contexts. Our design for the mixed-use complex addresses these contexts, which represent the different and differing needs of the area. The building seeks to express the ambitions of the City of Fier, that is: to create a new image, one that is fitting for a city that is dynamic and continually growing, and to add important functions to the city like a public 25m pool and a cinema.

    Rinia Complex is a truly multifunctional building, with a program that also includes a 5-star hotel, 2 floors of parking space, residential units, a bank, a shopping center, a restaurant, and a casino. All public functions of the complex are accessible directly from the street via external staircases and are embedded into their urban surroundings. The building has been designed to be used in different ways at different moments throughout the day, offering both public/open access and private/restricted access areas. The intricate program has been fitted into a single volume, a uniquely shaped building that is internally 'fragmented' in order to give an answer to the different needs and the diversity of the context, but which also retains its flexibility as an urban 'shelf' that can take on a variety of functions.

    under construction
  • New Neighbourhood Hilligenwöhren

    The new residential neighbourhood Hilligenwöhren is located on the threshold of a compact city to open landscape in Bothfeld. A composition of three- to four-storey buildings generates two courtyards with different spatial qualities. The norther green courtyards are the new neighbourhood's intimate centre, whereas the southern courtyard opens up to the street and hence to the neighbourhood.

    The buildings are connected via access balconies which activate the courtyards and are the basis for a vivid community. The central community room for all residents connects the two green spaces. It is the neighbourhood's living room. By opening and widening spaces, informal meeting points and social contact surfaces are offered. The building structure enables a flexible arrangement of various residential typologies und therefore a social mixture.

    A solid structure for the development of a long-lasting neighbourhood is offered. Furthermore, natural building materials ensure comfortable and healthy living environments.

  • Wolkenbügel Europacity Berlin

    "... In the front the Baltic Sea, in the back the Friedrichstraße ..." In the EuroCity Berlin one can come close to this ideal. The design combines an urban block typology with a distinctively shaped bar - " the Wolkenbügel". Its shape is characterized by a large void. This wide passage connects the block via the neighbourhood square with the waterfront and at the same time the waterfront with the city.

    The void forms a partially covered urban stage for public uses such as weekly market, game or sport and thus a lively place along the promenade. The block is orientated to a central courtyard, which is connected to the neighbourhood square. The block is divided into ten different houses whose building height of seven floors decreases stepwise to five. All roofs are used as terraces. According to the different housing typologies and sizes, the widths of the houses vary as well. The houses are also distinguished in terms of facade rhythm and materiality.

  • Bar Center Fier

    Building on existing structures.

    The plot of Bar Center in Fier (Albania), located next to our projects Rinia Complex and Building Block on a central urban intersection and adjacent to an inner-city park, was occupied by an existing building from the late 1990s. This building – the plinth of an unfinished high-rise, which stood at three storeys high – was unassuming and unfitting for this prominent location; therefore, the owners approached us to extend the building and upgrade the existing floors. So we used the volume of the existing building as a starting point for the design.

    The addition activates the upper floors and makes them directly accessible from the new main square of Fier, to which the building now prominently orientates. The result is a stepped five-storey volume enclosed in a geometrical, rasterized façade. This geometrical façade, in turn, is partially clad in semi-transparent golden shading sheets, which function as a screen against the sunlight. Additionally, they bring more unity to the building's appearance. The volume, whose two newly added floors contain a publicly accessible rooftop bar with views over Fier, offers an urban topography that serves the city as a whole.

  • Student City 2

    Our reconstruction concept of Tirana's "Student City 2" aims to show the great potential for particularly thermal energy savings in construction, modern student housing and is showcasing a well performing example how public and private sector can interact. As the buildings suffers from massive deterioration on the inside, main focus of the energy concept lays on a replacement of all basic infrastructure, including a adequate ventilation and heating systems as well as new windows as its centrepiece to remedy humidity. Different subdivisions of student rooms with joined shared bathrooms and modifications in use of common rooms allows spacious privacy and reacts on students needs. Applying a complementary colored orientation and material system for each dormitory allows visual indication of buildings, floors and rooms and provides "Student City 2" with a unique identity. As the roofs of the buildings offer common space, they can be used according to public or economic visions of its users and leverage "Student City 2" to be Albania's pilot energy efficiency project.

    under construction
  • Kronsberg South A.2

    The city block is structured by two cuts towards the public street. In this way, a community courtyard with neighboring pathways is created. The perimeter block development consists of six residential units and twelve townhouses on the east side. The street-facing brick facades are representative and respond to the importance of the entrance to the quarter. The spacious inner courtyard is zoned into a communal green center, surrounding paths and the private gardens lining the first floor apartments. All building entrances are barrier-free and all apartments are planned to be barrier-free. Each apartment has an outdoor sitting area and a small storage room. The underground parking garage is located in an L-shape under the northern block and is accessible from all staircases of the apartment buildings. There are also 145 bicycle parking spaces, some of which are equipped with charging stations.

  • Water town Limmer

    The program of the new quarter entrance describes a modern mixed-used block in which different functions come together and are arranged compactly to each other. The entrances to the main functions are oriented towards the public spaces and emphasise the priority square and corner situations in the urban context. The 7-storey residential tower houses 60 micro apartments with a café on the ground floor along the entire facade. The eastern block houses is the assisted living, the western block is the care facility, including the supermarket with parking decks and a southern and northern row of shops. All ground floor facades with public uses open up to the public space with generously sized windows. The design envisages a solid construction method in reinforced concrete and brickwork, which optimally depicts the various building parts, functions and room sizes according to their requirements.

  • Family Villa

    A listed villa of the 1850ties was converted into two family apartments. The large garden is used collectively. The 1st and 2nd floors were redesigned in relation to the needs of a couple with five children. Spaces „suitable for everyday use" are created and at the same time, the special character of the historic building with its ornamental elements and valuable wooden floors is strengthened.

    To reestablish the former spaciousness a multitude of fixtures and walls were demolished. The roof was reconstructed according to current energetic standards. The first floor serves as an entrance area with a large hall leading to the kitchen and the balcony. The master bedroom and one kid's room are orientated to the garden. The former ballroom as the heart of the building is used as a dining and living room. The space has an impressive size (55m2, 6m high) and is decorated with an ornamental ceiling that was preserved and - where necessary - restored. A gallery is installed into the ballroom as a slender glass-steel-structure: The stairs are suspended from the gallery to keep the parquetry untouched. The second floor is reserved „for kids only" and features four rooms, a play hall, and a bathroom. The staircase between the two floors is enhanced in its spaciousness by opening up a part of the ceiling. All design and constructive measurements were undertaken in detailed consultation with the institution for historic preservation.

  • House 1

    House 1 is the first built project of the masterplan 'mirror twins'. On top of a shared commercial ground floor a green link connects the site with the close-by park. The two seperate buildings connected by the common plinth are generating an enormous amount of requested square meters. Rather massive volumes are perforated by a series of programmatic voids that connect to a common circulation space, an inner void. The much needed public space is integrated into the building by creating a second entry level and reinterpreting the circulation space. The engraving appearance
    of House 1 refers to the typical salient facades of Tirana. Multiple tilted strips create a rich play of light and shadow.

  • Gymnasium Lutherschule

    The draft envisages an extension of the Lutherschule through a powerful and independent structure, which fits into the existing block structure and self-confidently positions itself to the Engelbosteler Damm.
    The five-storey building forms in a modern and contemporary architectural language a clearly perceptible address while radiating openness and transparency. At the same time, the indented ground floor facade with its striking brick arches creates a spacious and covered entrance area.

    The central organizational idea is the clustering and self-evident stacking of the different areas of use:
    The communal areas are located on the ground floor, the creative areas on the 1st floor, the natural sciences on the 2nd floor and the grade clusters on the two upper floors. As in the floors below, the classrooms are grouped around a central communication zone that creates additional learning venues with niches and open areas.


  • Meyer Forum

    At the Hettlicher Masch, the new heart of the Meyer&Meyer company site is to be built. The office building is designed to be open, inviting and present as a "forum". The design is naturally integrated into the height development of the surroundings, forms a striking and inviting address to the street, but is also present and visible to the highway due to its three-storey structure.

    The rooms of the office building are organised around a two-storey gallery room and offer flexible work and learning rooms as well as a large variety of programmes with a café, showroom and fitness area. The ground floor in particular is characterised by its floor plan flexibility, as the atrium can be extended for company parties or large congresses. In addition, spacious terraces and loggias form encounter zones and recreation areas. A photovoltaic system, extensive roof greening and an intelligent self-sufficiency concept make this design in wood-reinforced concrete hybrid-construction fit for the future. Thus this design is also a prototype of new working worlds, which are characterised by atmosphere, diverse meeting spaces and flexibility of use.


  • Orange Headquarters Mali

    Bamako is in a phase of rapid urban development, with the population growing expansively; telecommunications are an integral part of this growth and are a marker for upward social mobility. The height, visibility, and clean volume of the new Orange Mali Headquarters express this situation, thus creating a landmark for the new, mobile urban class.

    At the same time, the building sets the bar for offices and urban planning in Bamako, by creating a zero-energy building that incorporates greenery and improves the working environment of the Orange employees. The new Orange HQ is surrounded by a public garden, a layout that makes the office building more accessible and simultaneously creates a social space for gatherings and events. The green spaces continue into the interior of the new office building as a sequence of open terraces. By using 'stacked' office floors, and by interspacing these with high-quality open spaces, employees feel more connected and floorplans can be optimized.

    The iconic, geometrical 'zig-zag' exterior is the result of a smart and site-specific design, avoiding direct sunlight on the facade.

    in progress